Japanese numeral 3

How to count in Japanese

Getting to know rudimentary Japanese is one of the rights of passage that comes with training in Okinawan karate.

Here are some tips on how to count to ten in Japanese. Practice a little, and in no time you will be counting like a native!

Number Japanese Pronunciation tip
1 ichi The “i” is pronounced “ea”, as in “each”. The “chee” is pronounced like “cheek”.When spoken quickly, the “ee” part is barely pronounced, which makes the whole word sounds like “each”
2 ni Pronounced “knee”
3 san Pronounced “sahn”
4 shi Pronounced “she”(Can alternately be pronounced “yon”, which is pronounced “yohn”)
5 go When you say “go” in Japanese, leave your mouth rounded when you’re done to prevent slipping towards a “w” sound. English speakers have a tendency to say the word “go” as if it were spelled “gohw”.
6 roku The Asian “R” is pronounced as cross between R and L. When pronouncing “roku”, it should sound similar to “loh-koo”. The Japanese R is pronounced using only the very tip of the tongue. (An English R is pronounced at the center of the tongue, and an English L is pronounced slightly back from from the tip of the tongue. )
7 shichi Pronounced like “she-chee”, with a hint of tch on the “chee”.(It can also be pronounced “nana”, with the As pronounced “ah”)
8 hachi Pronounced as “ha!” and “tchee”
9 kyu Pronounced as the English letter “q”. Similarly to “go”, English speakers tend to pronounce it as “kyoow” – make sure you keep your mouth rounded on the “oo” sound so you don’t slip towards “w”.
10 jyu Pronounced “joo”, with a hint of “zh” on the “j”


Counting from 10 to 19 is also easy — simply add the word “jyu” (10) before the word for the “ones” digit. For example,14 is said “ju shi,” which literally means “10 – 4.”

For 20 say “ni ju”.

Number Japanese
11 jyu ichi
12 jyu ni
13 jyu san
14 jyu shi
15 jyu go
16 jyu roku
17 jyu shichi
18 jyu hachi
19 jyu kyu
20 ni ju

Happy counting!

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